Robbinsdale Area Schools

Student Handbook

A Guide to Student Support and Behavior

download pdf "A Guide to Student Support and Behavior" or review the information below

One student is reading while another student works on their laptop in the classroom
A student works on classwork near a computer
A student practices the cello

Section 1: Creating and maintaining a positive shool climate

Section 2: Prevention and Support

Rdale supports students in many ways, including staffing and programs designed to make our schools calm, safe environments for learning. These are efforts to prevent difficulties before they arise. 

Even so, our best efforts at prevention aren’t enough. Sometimes students and families need extra support, whether for basic needs or in response to specific issues that take place at school. Rdale uses many supportive strategies and programs to assist students and families.



High school students work on a project together.
students sitting at desks
Elementary students in their classroom

Section 3: Responses to disciplinary action

Family members may sometimes disagree with disciplinary action taken by school or district staff. If this happens, options are available.

Section 4: Expectations for riding the bus

Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. For students who are eligible to ride the bus, our goal is to transport you to and from school as safely as possible. While students are riding a school bus, Rdale expects the same behavior as when students are on any other on school property or at school activities, functions or events.

Transportation expectations and consequences are based on the Board Policy 709: Student Transportation and are mandated by state statute. Safety rules are posted on every bus. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding the bus or at the bus stop. Students who do not follow the rules will receive consequences and may lose their bus privileges as a result of progressive discipline.

School bus drivers report school bus/bus stop misconduct to the district’s transportation personnel. Serious misconduct is reported to the Department of Public Safety and may be reported to local law enforcement.

Section 5: Levels of misbehavior and response

Section 6: Information and resources

FAIR Crystal Student Council
Students make silly faces during lunch
An elementary teacher works with a student one-on-one