Robbinsdale Area Schools

Camp Learn A Lot

Camp Learn A Lot

Have you ever been camping on a cold winter night?  You and your family can join us for a night of camping inside at Northport Elementary on January 30th from 4-6 pm. Northport Elementary staff are hosting our 2nd annual Camp Learn-A-Lot indoors. There will be a variety of activities to choose from including guest readers, mixed up stories, letter hats, cornhole games, building shapes, Scattergories and more!  We will have a raffle for prizes, along with a light meal of hot dogs, chips, and a smores bite! Grab your boots and your camping clothes and plan to take a family photo in our themed photo booth.  We hope to have a packed campground on January 30th. See you there!

CampLearnaLot2025 (PDF)
camp spanish